Light of Eyes
For the Light of Sight and the Hope of Life
Our mission
In the darkness of life, there are those who suffer the loss of one of the greatest blessings—the gift of sight. Cataract threatens the vision of hundreds of patients, leaving behind a world full of struggles. Together, we can be the beacon of hope that restores light to their lives.
Our Goal
It costs just $650 to perform a sight-saving surgery for a patient suffering from cataract. A small amount that can bring immense change to someone's life.
With your support, we aim to cover the cost of as many surgeries as possible, bringing light and hope to those waiting for help. Your donation today can mean the difference between blindness and sight, between despair and hope. Be the reason someone sees the light again.
Spread the Word
Donate Now: A small contribution from you can transform a patient's life forever.
Share the Campaign: Spread the word among your family and friends to help us reach more people.
Set Up a Lasting Charity: Your support can be a continuous source of blessings for you in this life and the next.
Paypal - all currencies
For donations not in euro, please change the "Convert with Paypal" option to use
"your debit or credit card conversion"
Bank Transfer - recommended
In the bank transfer message, please indicate "eyes25"
Account Owner : DIFL
Routing Number : 084009519
Account Number : 9600000000628568
Address : Wise US Inc, 19 W 24th Street, NY, 10010, United States
Account Owner : DIFL
IBAN : BE28 9671 9727 4320
Account Owner : DIFL
Institution Number : 621
Account Number : 200110059001
Transit Number : 16001
Account holder : DIFL
IBAN : GB24 TRWI 2314 7062 7825 34
Owner: DIFL
BSB Code: 802-985
Account: 914036989